Monday Momentum - Consistency Starts the Night Before

Hi League!   Consistency Starts the Night Before   For me, the first step is often the hardest.   Getting out of bed.  Getting out of a cold car. Starting the warmup.   It’s breaking through the in...

What is Real Happiness?

League of Wildness, I heard this story from a friend today: "A while back I moved out to a beautiful property in an outdoor mecca. It had everything I wanted - awesome biking trails, climbing, w...

Gamify Your Workouts

Hey League! As someone who sometimes struggles with inertia, I occasionally find it helpful to gamify aspects of life. By “inertia,” I mean that sometimes I have a hard time starting or stopping va...

Trust Your Body

Hey League!I grew up in a close-knit family and safe community. Many of our neighbors were family members or long-term family friends. As a result, I never felt unsafe. I could explore anywhere, I ...

Self-care and Values

In today’s world which places so many demands on our time and attention, it almost feels like a radical act to focus on myself. At first, there was a gnawing sense of “I should be doing something m...

What is Essential?

League of Wildness,   “I think all of us are prisoners to the way our mind currently works, and we’re prisoners until we become observers to it.”— Greg McKeown    Have you ever considered what is e...