monkii minute: Plank to Forearm Plank

monkii minute: Plank to Forearm Plank

What I find most beneficial from the Plank to Forearm Plank is that the exercise requires that you stabilize your body while in a very unstable and dynamic situation.

advancedDose of Wildness: 7 Minute Advanced Wild Workout

Dose of Wildness: 7 Minute Advanced Wild Workout

You start to recognize that there are training opportunities all around you, all day long.

intenseIntense Wilderness Workout

Intense Wilderness Workout

This is an excellent workout to do with an 'overhead setup'. Find that perfect branch or see what your local park has to offer..

circuitDose of Wildness: 4 Minute Wilderness Circuit

Dose of Wildness: 4 Minute Wilderness Circuit

 If you can start to think like this, the world will truly become your gym.

complexTravel Workout - Part 2 - Complexes with a Partner

Travel Workout - Part 2 - Complexes with a Partner

We only had one pair of monkii bars so we got creative and did an awesome partner workout sharing the bars.

misogiTravel Workout - Part 1

Travel Workout - Part 1

Remember, a workout can be a part of the adventure, and, an adventure can be a workout.